The Hilarious Disaster of Rumble in Apex Legends Revealed

Discover the chaos and outcry over the recent Rumble mode in Apex Legends. Cheating accusations, matchmaking woes, and more!

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are up in arms about the disastrous Rumble mode, with accusations, frustrations, and suggestions flying around the subreddit.


  • Cheating allegations run rampant in the community, speculating on the authenticity of high stats and rankings.
  • Players criticize Rumble for its flawed matchmaking and lack of a competitive environment.
  • Some suggest implementing features like killcams to combat cheating effectively.

The Cheating Controversy

One user points out the suspiciously high kill count and damage statistics of a player, sparking a debate on cheating in Rumble mode.

Matchmaking Madness

Players express disappointment in the lack of seriousness in Rumble mode, with random teammates and irregular opponents hindering the experience.

Suggestions for Improvement

Several users advocate for the addition of killcams and match recordings to address cheating effectively and enhance the gameplay experience for all.

The uproar over Rumble in Apex Legends signifies a stark disconnect between player expectations and the reality of in-game challenges, raising concerns and demands for change within the community.