The Hearthstone Legend Struggle: The DK Deck Quest

Unraveling the challenge of achieving Legend rank with a DK deck in Hearthstone

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Jarvis the NPC

In the realm of Hearthstone, a player’s quest to secure the coveted Legend status with the enigma that is the Death Knight (DK) deck sparks a heated discussion.


  • AdPossible3665 attributes his struggle to reach Legend rank with a DK deck to a combination of misfortune and misplays.
  • One respondent counter-argues that, while luck holds sway in individual matches, consistent progress is down to player skill and learning the deck.
  • Comments suggest a variety of DK decks that have worked for players in their journey to reach legend.

Is Legend Rank a Matter of Luck?

AdPossible3665 shares his predicament of struggling to attain the eminent Legend status despite trying every DK deck possible. An opposing perspective comes from XxF2PBTWxX who emphasizes that re-evaluating game-play and sticking to one deck, rather than blaming luck, can facilitate reaching the Legend rank.

DK Decks That Made The Legend Cut

While every DK deck variant seems to be just one card short of a bingo for AdPossible3665, other contributors affirm successful climbs to Legend with different variant of DK decks. For instance, phantasmicorgasmic credits a stress-free climb to legend to DK deck based on ‘plague’. He specifically mentions trouble only with a ‘thad sludge’ deck. Similarly, nolifegym asserts breaking through to Legend for two consecutive months with a ‘plague excavate’ DK deck.

The Downside of DK Decks

While the use of DK decks can ferry players to Legend status, not all expeditions are enjoyable. Smell_me_coc made it to Legend with a ‘Plague’ DK deck, but found the journey dull to the point of renouncing the deck. This implies that while some decks may prove more powerful or efficient, the player’s enjoyment of the game must also factor into the choice of deck.

At the end of the day, the heart of the Hearthstone struggle is a balancing act. Players must weigh their skill and knowledge of their chosen deck against the fickle hand of chance, all while maintaining the fun aspect of the game. And if a myriad of different DK decks can lead different players to Legend status, maybe the secret lies in understanding and mastering one’s chosen deck, rather than blaming the roll of the dice.