The Hardest Choices in Baldur’s Gate 3 – What Gamers Really Think

Baldur's Gate decisions - sexy armor or better stats - what's the real dilemma?

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate players face tough decisions, like the controversial Orpheus/Rubbery Man scene. Tough choices between aesthetics and functionality plague gamers!


  • Players struggle between aesthetics and stats in equipment choices.
  • The dilemma of sacrificing characters for survival lingers in game choices.
  • Decisions involving romances and character fates add depth to the game.

Orpheus vs. Rubbery Man

Baldur’s Gate fans debate the morally ambiguous Orpheus/Rubbery Man scene, feeling torn between sacrificing one for the greater good.

Equipment Dilemma

Players grapple with the choice of wearing aesthetically pleasing but less efficient gear versus unattractive but functional equipment.

Moral Sacrifices

Gamers reflect on decisions that involve sacrificing characters or making tough choices for the survival of the party.

Game Choices Impact

Decisions regarding romances and character fates impact the overall experience, adding layers of complexity and depth to the gameplay.