The Great Skin Debate in Fortnite: Frostbite vs Honor Guard

Unraveling the skin debate in Fortnite: Frostbite vs Honor Guard. Gamers speak, we listen!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite, the popular online video game, is no stranger to intense debates and dialogues among its users. One such recent hot topic has been the discussion about the superiority of one skin over another specifically, Frostbite versus Honor Guard.


  • The discussion appears heavily slanted towards the love for the Frostbite skin.
  • The humorous comment regarding Frostbite’s knack for committing tax evasion suggests a deeper community bond.
  • A few users however believe Honor Guard is superior, hinting at a divided opinion.

Skin-Deep Opinions

When the user AugustDaKid initiated the conversation, little did anyone know it would reveal the depth at which gamers perceive and evaluate their skins. Dry_Yogurt4u was also among the majority favoring Frostbite, thereby making a statement about the popularity of this skin.

Humor in the Heat

Amid the intense deliberation, suddenly, a humorous comment by PotatoDictato about Frostbite’s propensity for tax evasion breaks the tension. This not only lightened the mood but also elicited responses, such as UpvotePlz662‘s ‘Tax Evasion 100%’, showing the strong camaraderie prevalent in the gaming community.

The underdogs

While Frostbite was certainly the front runner, the Honor Guard skin found support as well. ZENJI_XD unwaveringly chose Honor Guard, reflecting the diverse character preferences among the Fortnite audience. Similarly, VortexTalon supported Honor Guard, comparing Frostbite as a worse version of Raptor, possibly bringing up a whole new debate!

Considering the varied responses, it’s clear that Fortnite’s success lies in its ability to cater to unique preferences and diverse opinions of its gaming community. Whether Team Frostbite or Team Honor Guard, the heated discussions in the community continue to bring players and enthusiasts together under a common passion – Fortnite.