The Great Sigil Debate in Granblue Fantasy: To Grind or Not to Grind

Players debate the impact of customizable sigils on the grind in Granblue Fantasy. Will it enhance the game or ruin the sense of achievement?

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy players are in a frenzy over the potential introduction of customizable sigils in an upcoming patch. User MYFKINGGODD expressed concern about the grind becoming meaningless with this addition, igniting a spirited discussion in the subreddit.


  • Players are divided on the impact of customizable sigils on the game’s grind.
  • Some see it as a welcome change that provides a deterministic way to acquire rare items.
  • Others fear it may devalue the sense of accomplishment and uniqueness in their builds.
  • The community showcases a mix of excitement and skepticism towards the upcoming feature.

Players’ Perspectives on the Sigil Synthesis

User MrJar0 questions the significance of unique items in a PvE-focused game, advocating for deterministic approaches to obtaining rare sigils. Verzwei highlights the uncertainty surrounding sigil synthesis and urges patience before passing judgment.

The Grind Dilemma

Jemy-v8 shares their perspective on the need for optimized sigils due to their diverse gameplay style, emphasizing the uncertainty of the new synthesis system. Finalstan proposes potential implementation ideas to maintain the grind while adding flexibility to sigil acquisition.

RNG vs. Determinism

Asmodyan speculates on the shift from RNG-dependent gameplay to a more deterministic system, expressing a desire for enjoyable game experiences despite the evolving mechanics. The user appreciates the grind for what it offers in enhancing gameplay engagement.

The diverse opinions and concerns raised by Granblue Fantasy players reflect a community deeply invested in the game’s mechanics and progression. As the debate continues, the upcoming patch’s impact on the player experience remains a topic of great interest and speculation.