The Great Overwatch Debate: Does Sombra Need a Rework?

The Overwatch community is fiercely debating about Sombra’s apparent overpowered abilities. Is it a balancing act gone wrong?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the high-stakes world of Overwatch, one would expect characters to be balanced and fun. Yet, recent murmurs in the community suggest that some believe Sombra, the game’s infamous hacker, to be anything but balanced.


  • Most players are frustrated with Sombra’s abilities, including invisibility, super speed, virus, and translocate, claiming it takes away the fun from the game.
  • Others believe that understanding her abilities and strategies could potentially nullify her threat, suggesting that the Peruvian hacker isn’t as overpowered as perceived.
  • A few vehement critics went so far as to suggest that she should be removed entirely from the game, as they believe her presence actively ruins their gaming experience.

The Community is Torn

One user, dancetoken, had some strong opinions, saying that she is the “Worst designed character in probably any FPS game“. His view seems to be shared by many. Another user, Ok_Reference2122, dubbed Sombra as a “dumb character” that desperately needs a nerf.

The Other Side of the Coin

In complete contrast, other users like Corrupt_Angel01 and chaz_ltn beg to differ. Corrupt_Angel01, an Ana main who also plays Sombra on DPS, believes that playing Sombra can make playing against her more fair and much easier. Chaz_ltn believes that results can be achieved with any hero as long as the player is skillful enough.

The Sombra Main Perspective

Interestingly, Knight-112, who mains Sombra, argues that the secret to shutting Sombra down is awareness, good reaction time, and teamwork. Does this mean Sombra is not the issue but the player’s abilities? Should the Novice guide have a special section on countering Sombra?

All these conflicting opinions create a captivating conundrum, truly showcasing the dynamic, engaging, and sometimes frustrating, world of Overwatch. The community is at odds about Sombra’s abilities, and whether they pose a fairness issue or not. Over strong coffee and colorful banter, the discussion continues…