The Great Fortnite Emote Debate: Is the Price Worth It?

Is the latest 500 V-bucks emote in Fortnite causing a stir? Let's delve into the heated discussion on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players on Reddit are buzzing about the latest 500 V-bucks emote, with some feeling the price is too high. TankzUploadz kicked off the conversation by saying, ‘For what you get with this emote, 500 is an unacceptable price. It feels like they are price gouging us now.’ Let’s see what the community thinks.


  • Players divided on 500 V-bucks emote price
  • Debate on what constitutes price gouging
  • Mentions of past emote pricing disparities


“Always have been. It’s a digital asset…”


“Emotes have always been priced weird. Just don’t buy it.”


“Not right to call it price gouging when it’s not a life essential like housing or food.”


“Could be worse, Rocket Rodeo is 800… I don’t think age can be an excuse. People bought that just fine. I don’t get why people are making a huge deal about prices now that rarities are gone but as long as it has a color tied to it suddenly it’s all acceptable lol.”