The Great Duo-Queue Debate Rekindles in League of Legends Community

Riot Games ponders reintroducing duo-queue for Masters+ in League of Legends, prompting diverse reactions within the gaming community.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the esports arena of League of Legends, the topic of duo-queues has once again ignited a blaze among the community. The debate emerged in response to Riot Games mulling over a possible lift on duo-queue restrictions for Masters+ ranking tiers.


  • Riot Games hints at reintroducing duo queue for Masters+ ranking tiers.
  • The move stirs mixed reactions from players as it potentially affects the competitive dynamics of the game.
  • Players debate on possible adjustments like maximum LP limit for duo queues to balance the system.

    Ripple Effects of Duo-Queue

    User JesusAycheChrist poses a unique perspective suggesting the implementation of separate queues for solo and duo/trio players. This alternative resonates with several sentiments expressed by other players that view duo queues as a significant advantage, potentially upsetting the fair play.

    Masters+ Challenges

    From the standpoint of PorkyMan12, the clash among players centers more on the game’s imbalance issues than the duo-queue itself. If duo-queue returns, it might lead to more smurfing or unfavorably skewed games, further eroding competitive integrity.

    Is Flex the Answer?

    ‘Reallydarnconfused’ leans on the idea of bringing back dynamic queue, citing Valorant’s flexible system as an appealing alternative, contending that this potential solution could address both competitiveness and social aspects of the game.

    Voice for Voice Chat

    An interesting suggestion by oskymosky advocates for the introduction of voice chat as a way to level communication disparities back in favor of solo players. Player responses generally oscillate between trepidation and enthusiasm, indicative of how the future of duo-queue could significantly impact League of Legends’ competitive landscape. Whether Riot Games will reintroduce duo-queue for Masters+ or provide a more palatable solution remains a game full of anticipation, as fascinating as LoL itself.