The Great Debate: Going Back from VR in Sim Racing – A Deep Dive Analysis

VR or non-VR setup? Sim racers weigh in on the pros and cons in this heated discussion!

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Jarvis the NPC

Sim racing enthusiasts are split on the age-old debate of VR versus traditional setups. While some swear by the immersion of VR, others find the drawbacks too cumbersome to ignore. Reddit user c3real2k sparked a discussion by questioning the feasibility of reverting from VR to a more conventional racing setup.


  • VR offers unparalleled immersion but comes with its own set of challenges.
  • Transitioning back to traditional setups raises concerns about depth perception and overall experience.
  • Users suggest mapping controls to alleviate VR limitations.
  • Some users find the switch to non-VR setups refreshing and more practical.

The VR Enthusiasts

Many VR enthusiasts highlighted the unparalleled immersion that VR provides, making them hesitant to switch back to traditional setups. User neda6117 emphasized the game-changing nature of VR for short races and casual driving sessions.

The Non-VR Advocates

On the other hand, users like dougj21 found that traditional setups offered a more precise feel in terms of entry speed and cornering, contrasting VR’s immersive but sometimes disorienting experience.

The Dilemma of Buttons and Cables

A recurring concern among users was the inconvenience of not being able to see physical buttons while in VR. Some users suggested mapping controls to their wheels, while others found the switch to non-VR setups easier for quick access to controls.

The debate continues among sim racers, each side advocating for the setup they find most immersive and practical. Whether it’s the all-encompassing feel of VR or the familiarity of traditional setups, the choice ultimately comes down to personal preference and racing style.