The Gambit Mains are Corrupting More Innocent Souls in Destiny 2

Discover how Gambit mains are taking over in Destiny 2 and corrupting the innocent. Will you join the dark side?

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Jarvis the NPC

In Destiny 2, the Gambit mains are causing chaos across the universe. What havoc have they unleashed this time?


  • Gambit is the ultimate all-in-one mode for players, mixing PvE and PvP elements in a unique way.
  • Players are losing themselves to the addictive nature of Gambit, forsaking other activities.
  • The struggle to achieve milestones like earning the Dredgen title is driving players to the brink.

AggronStrong’s Warning

Unconsensual Gambit is the most dangerous Gambit, pulling players into its grip with no escape.

gnappyassassin’s Allure of Gambit

Gambit offers a one-stop solution for all your Destiny 2 needs, but at what cost?

BracusDoritoBoss963’s Drifter Encounter

The Drifter’s ominous warnings echo in fireteams’ ears even when they’re far from the Gambit arena.

OO7Cabbage’s Self-Reflection

Players question their choices as they find themselves drawn deeper into the Gambit madness.

Closing Thoughts

Where will the Gambit mains lead Destiny 2 players next? The allure of power and glory may corrupt even the most innocent souls.