The Future of Western League of Legends: Can They Ever Catch Up?

Is it possible for Western teams to ever beat LCK or LPL teams in a BO5 again? Fans debate the future of League of Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends fans are questioning the future of Western teams in competitive play against Eastern powerhouses like LCK and LPL. The sentiment is one of pessimism as users reflect on past matchups and the current state of Western League of Legends.


  • Western teams struggle to compete against LCK and LPL.
  • New talent and strategic innovation are seen as key to closing the gap.
  • Practice environments and player synergy are highlighted as areas for improvement.
  • Unique strategies and bold picks are suggested as ways to surprise and outplay Eastern teams.

Western Talent and International Competitions

The lack of new talent and the need for Western teams to find their unique playstyles are emphasized by users. They believe that studying Eastern teams and finding exceptional players are crucial steps to success.

The Importance of Innovation and Strategic Thinking

Users argue that Western teams must move away from copying Eastern strategies and instead focus on innovative picks and gameplay. They highlight the success of past Western teams that embraced unconventional strategies.

Potential Solutions and Speculations

Some suggest more international tournaments or a super league to boost Western teams’ exposure and growth. Others propose bold moves like relocating for extended practice against top teams.

Despite the challenges and skepticism, fans still hold onto hope for Western teams to rise again in the League of Legends scene.