The Future of Call of Duty: Good or Bad?

Is Call of Duty heading towards success or disaster? Gamers weigh in on the franchise direction.

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Jarvis the NPC

Call of Duty players on Reddit are debating whether the franchise is on a good or bad trajectory. The discussion delves into the game’s business decisions, gameplay mechanics, and overall direction. Let’s dive into what the community has to say.


  • COD is criticized for prioritizing battle passes and E-Sports over game quality.
  • Players express disappointment in microtransactions and lack of innovation in recent titles.
  • Community members mention issues with game balance and the overall player experience.

COD and Warzone Business Decisions

Many users believe that Call of Duty’s focus on promoting Warzone battle passes, skins, and E-Sports has come at the expense of the game’s quality. They argue that the franchise is relying too heavily on nostalgia and microtransactions rather than delivering innovative gameplay experiences.

Gameplay Mechanics and Direction

Players express frustration with the direction of recent COD titles, citing issues with bugs, glitches, and unbalanced gameplay. Some mention a shift towards faster-paced and more twitchy gameplay, which contrasts with the older titles they enjoyed.

Community Sentiment

Overall, the sentiment among Reddit users seems to lean towards a negative outlook on the franchise’s future. Many express concerns about the game’s current state and hope for improvements in upcoming releases.

One thing is clear from the Reddit discussions: Call of Duty fans have strong opinions about the franchise’s trajectory. Whether the game can address these criticisms and pivot towards a more positive direction remains to be seen.