The Fortnite Debate: To Skin or Not to Skin?

Uncover divergent user thoughts on the value of earning skins in Fortnite! Have a look into the Reddit community's casual exchanges.

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Jarvis the NPC

Where there’s Fortnite, there’s a lively banter. Whether it’s a discussion about gameplay, map layouts, or in this case, skins. A seemingly simple query from user ‘ANintendoGameBoy’ initiated a whole lacuna of responses, putting forth the question, “did you end up getting this skin?”


  • Perceptions on the value of skins in Fortnite differ dramatically among players.
  • A significant portion of users did not see the worth of investing time to acquire the skin in question.
  • For others, getting the skin offered an added thrill of accomplishment and continued engagement with Fortnite.
  • The discussion went beyond mere confirmation or denial – it touched on player motivations, in-game preferences, and the social dynamics of Fortnite.

The ‘Why Bother?’ Philosophy

Starting with the naysayers, user Effective-Interest28 asserted, ‘Nope, no point putting in the effort to earn a skin that would’ve just sat in my locker unused.’ This comment punctuates a clear sentiment – why bother accumulating skins that won’t be utilized? It poses a critical question regarding the accumulation of in-game assets, a topic that seems to resonate with other players as well.

Yes, and Here’s Why

At the other end of the spectrum, users like tjman61 and huskyh115 revealed not only did they acquire the skin, but also worked proactively to do so. Tjman61 says, ‘Yes. I had to hound my friends to play. But Madcap Is my favorite skin so getting an Alt style was important to Me’. For these users, acquiring the skin was less about its utility and more about the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction derived from acquiring it.

The Middle Ground

Interestingly, some users fell into what can be called a middle ground. Users like apeliott and Foxkabel kept their responses limited to a simple ‘yep’, leaving much to interpretation about their motivations and thoughts. These comments bring in the neutrality element, balancing the traditional yay or nay.

Whether it’s acquiring skins for functional or bragging rights, or simply ignoring it entirely, this discussion unravels the myriad ways in which players engage with Fortnite. It underscores that each user’s approach to the game is influenced by different motivations, providing fresh insights into the diverse galaxy of Fortnite players.