The Final Fantasy Debate: Custom Characters and the Future of the Series

Will a return to customizable characters breathe new life into Final Fantasy? What fans have to say may surprise you!

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy fans are torn on the idea of a return to customizable protagonists like in FFIII. Would you welcome this change?


  • Fans are split on the idea of customizable characters.
  • Some worry about story impact, while others see it as a fresh potential.
  • Comparisons to other RPGs like Dragon Quest spark debate.

ZigZagBoy94’s Vision

ZigZagBoy94, the original poster, dreams of a Final Fantasy that harkens back to the series’ roots, allowing players to create their own character and explore the world in a non-linear fashion. The idea resonates with some fans who appreciate the freedom it could bring.

Opposing Views

Cerber108 expresses concern about the storytelling implications, fearing that some story elements may suffer from accommodating all character combinations. Conversely, Brees504 argues that Final Fantasy’s essence lies in linear storytelling and high-quality cutscenes with set characters.

Fresh Interactions

Some users, like viparyas and an_edgy_lemon, welcome the idea of custom characters for the potential player-party interactions it could bring. They draw parallels to games like Dragon Quest and express a desire for deeper player involvement in the narrative.

Heretek007 and StriderShizard focus on the quality of execution, emphasizing that success hinges on Square Enix’s ability to deliver a cohesive experience. They reference games like Baldur’s Gate as examples of well-implemented player-controlled characters.

nibutz offers a more personal perspective, preferring characters with defined archetypes but acknowledges the appeal of unique player experiences in a game.

Classics Reimagined

AjSweet1 reflects on games like Bravely Default and FF Tactics, appreciating the blend of class customization within a structured narrative. They highlight the importance of balancing player agency with a compelling storyline.

The discussion surrounding customizable protagonists in Final Fantasy showcases a diverse range of opinions, from concerns about narrative coherence to excitement over potential player engagement. As the series continues to evolve, the incorporation of customizable elements may offer a fresh perspective for both new and longtime fans.