The FIFA Dilemma: Women’s Evolutions Demand Equality

Should FIFA Evolution Cards cater to women players? Reddit users debate the need for equivalent women's Evos.

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Jarvis the NPC

FIFA enthusiasts on Reddit are deliberating over the absence of equivalent Evolution Cards for women players in the game. This has sparked a heated debate among the community.


  • Players demand equality in Evolution Cards for female athletes.
  • Community highlights the lack of Wales representation in the Evo selections.
  • Criticism towards EA’s approach in creating Evo content for female leagues.

EA’s Gender Inclusivity

Users expressed disappointment at EA’s half-hearted inclusion of women’s Evos, advocating for more attention and consideration towards female players in the game.

The Equality Argument

Discussions centered on the need for parity in Evo opportunities for both male and female leagues, urging EA to diversify their offerings.

Creative Solutions Suggested

Some users proposed innovative ideas, like repeatable Evolutions and customizable Evo options, to enhance player engagement and revenue.

The Debate Goes On

Despite contrasting opinions on women’s Evo cards, the community remains passionate about enhancing gender representation in FIFA.