The Destiny 2 Debate: Is Conditional Finality Really Overpowered?

Is Conditional Finality truly the ultimate PvP weapon in Destiny 2 or just another gun in the arsenal? Let's dive into the community's thoughts!

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players recently discussed the impact of Conditional Finality in PvP. Is it truly the ultimate weapon or just another option in the game’s arsenal? Here’s what the community had to say.


  • Community sentiment varies on the potency of Conditional Finality in PvP.
  • Players appreciate the utility of the shotgun in countering certain supers.
  • Some believe the gun is well-balanced, while others think it overshadows alternatives.
  • Diversity in weapon choice is a point of contention among players.

Conditional Finality’s Balance

Some players argue that Conditional Finality is perfectly balanced in PvP, offering reliable counterplay options without becoming oppressive. The shotgun’s consistent performance within its effective range is acknowledged and appreciated by many.

Community Concerns

While some players enjoy using and facing Conditional Finality, others express frustration over the prevalence of the gun in PvP matches. The weapon’s high usage in Trials of Osiris raises questions about its impact on the game’s meta and diversity.

Call for Improvement

Several players suggest that the focus should be on enhancing the variety of viable PvP shotguns in Destiny 2 rather than solely addressing Conditional Finality. The need for a broader selection of competitive options is highlighted as important for the game’s overall balance.

Conditional Finality’s dominance in the Destiny 2 PvP scene continues to spark debates among players, with opinions ranging from admiration for its performance to concerns about its impact on gameplay diversity. As discussions evolve, the destiny players await Bungie’s future updates and adjustments with anticipation, hoping to see a shift towards a more varied and engaging PvP experience.