The Deep Dive: Deep Rock Galactic Dilemma Unveiled

Join the Deep Rock Galactic community in debating the importance of communication in the midst of intense missions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players are divided on the necessity of waiting for responses after asking questions during missions, as seen in a recent Reddit post…


  • Ignoring team communication can lead to frustration and mission failures.
  • Some players see quick decision-making as essential for success.
  • Communication styles vary among players, impacting collaborative gameplay.
  • GlyphussyBestPussy’s Take

    Responding to the OP’s experience, GlyphussyBestPussy acknowledges the frustration…

    HawkWeird7’s Perspective

    HawkWeird7 presents a humorous outlook on the situation, highlighting the balancing act of team coordination…

    TimeStormer’s Insight

    TimeStormer emphasizes the trade-off between speed and mission success in Deep Rock Galactic…

    Dan_Blakk98’s Confession

    Dan_Blakk98 provides a different perspective, admitting to his proactive approach to gameplay…