The Curious Case of Matchmaking in Apex Legends – What Gives with the Ranks?

Apex Legends players discuss the unbalanced matchmaking in the game, questioning the fairness of team compositions and rank disparities.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are scratching their heads over the unpredictable matchmaking in the game. A recent Reddit post by user lhosb sheds light on the frustration many players face when mismatched ranks crash into each other like clumsy Titans.


  • The mismatched ranks in Apex Legends are a persistent issue, causing player frustration.
  • Players question the fairness of facing higher-ranked opponents with lower-ranked teammates.
  • The community calls for improved matchmaking algorithms to ensure balanced and competitive gameplay.

Unfair Teams, Unhappy Players

Player lhosb expressed confusion at encountering a mixed bag of teammates and opponents in Apex Legends. The disparity between Bronze 2 and Silver 2 teammates in a Gold 1 match left them befuddled.

Community Concerns

Comments from fellow players reveal a common sentiment of discontent with the current matchmaking system. User Embarrassed-Fall1176 speculates that it might be a ploy to fill up lobbies quickly, prioritizing quantity over quality in team compositions.

Historical Woes

User octane1295 chimes in with a historical perspective, noting that the issue of mismatched ranks has persisted across multiple seasons. The consistency of the problem raises doubts about the efficacy of the matchmaking system.

Rise to the Challenge

Facing off against higher-ranked opponents can be a daunting task, as highlighted by user Federal_Photograph71. The struggle of solo queuing into lobbies filled with masters and preds while having rookie teammates reflects a common frustration among players.

The dynamic nature of matchmaking in Apex Legends keeps players on their toes, unsure of what to expect in the next match. While the system may not always align with players’ expectations, it adds an element of unpredictability to the gameplay experience. As the community clamors for fairer matchups and balanced teams, Respawn Entertainment faces the challenge of fine-tuning the matchmaking algorithms to uphold the competitive integrity of Apex Legends.