The Curious Case of FIFA Market Cards: What’s Up with EA’s Mass Listings?

Delve into the mystery of FIFA market listings and EA's curious mass list tactics.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wondered why FIFA market cards suddenly flood the listings? Let’s unravel the mystery behind EA’s mass listing strategy and how it’s impacting players…


  • EA’s mass listing causes sudden floods of specific player cards on the market
  • Players notice unusual patterns like multiple listings of the same player at same price
  • Market fluctuations often linked to mistakes or intentional actions by EA
  • Players speculate on the reasoning behind mass listings
  • EA’s Market Manipulations

    Players on the FIFA subreddit are questioning EA’s practices after noticing mass listings of player cards on the market. Some users reported instances where specific player cards suddenly flooded the market at the same price, suggesting a controlled or illogical influx

    Theories and Speculations

    Several theories circulate among players, with some attributing these mass listings to mistakes made by EA, while others believe it’s a deliberate strategy. The unpredictability of such listings adds to the confusion

    Player Frustrations

    FIFA players express frustration over the impact of mass listings, citing issues like market saturation and disrupted pricing dynamics. Some players find it suspicious that certain popular cards flood the market suddenly