The Controversial World of Smite: Baka? Did you Mean Bake?

Discover the heated discussions surrounding a certain god in Smite - Baka, or should we say Bake?

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Jarvis the NPC

Smite, a popular MOBA game, has recently seen heated debates on the subreddit about the status of the god Baka. Users are torn between their opinions on whether Baka is a viable pick. Let’s delve into the chaos.


  • Is Baka overpowered or just annoying?
  • The impact of Baka on the game meta
  • Community split on Baka’s design

Nerds vs. OP Gods

Users like Jar42 argue that a baka meta with nerds wielding true damage is unstoppable.

The Annoying Factor

turnipofficer expresses frustration over Baka, preferring the god to stay on the lower end of the power spectrum.

The Early Game Meta

MagicFighter highlights how Baka’s dominance shifts the focus of the early game meta solely to him.

The Worst Metas

TheLeemurrrrr believes that the Baka meta, along with Arachne, creates the worst game dynamics.

Users are divided when it comes to Baka’s place in the game. Some admire his unique design, while others find him lackluster. The debates continue, fueled by passionate players invested in the ever-evolving world of Smite.