The Chaos of Ranked Matchmaking in Apex Legends: Is Fair Play Just a Mirage?

Apex Legends players discuss the rollercoaster ride of ranked matchmaking in this wild Reddit post.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are currently grappling with a matchmaking whirlwind that has thrown them into the jaws of formidable opponents, leaving many scratching their heads in bewilderment. In a recent Reddit post, user Turkeye9129 expressed frustration over the erratic nature of ranked matchmaking in the game.


  • The dismal state of ranked matchmaking in Apex Legends has caused distress among players who find themselves pitted against vastly superior opponents.
  • Solo queue players lament facing full predator teams while being accompanied by teammates of lower ranks, skewing the balance of fairness.
  • The disparity in skill levels between players in the same lobby has led to numerous instances of frustration and disappointment.

Challenges of Unpredictable Matchmaking

Players like user dunghole expressed their exasperation at being matched against highly ranked opponents despite being at a lower skill tier themselves. The uncertainty of matchmaking has led to scenarios where gold-ranked players find themselves facing off against top predators, a mismatch that severely impacts the competitive integrity of the game.

The Predatory Predicament

Many players, such as Fluid_Season_7897 and EZkg, highlighted the issue of predators being slotted into lower-ranked lobbies due to a scarcity of players at their tier. This practice not only disrupts the gameplay experience for other participants but also raises questions about the efficacy of the current matchmaking system.

The Frustration of Unbalanced Battles

User DrShoreRL shared a comical yet poignant account of their struggles with mismatched lobbies, illustrating the challenges faced when players of varying skill levels are thrown into the same arena. The frustration of being outclassed in every encounter paints a grim picture of the current state of matchmaking in Apex Legends.

As players continue to voice their concerns over the tumultuous landscape of ranked matchmaking in Apex Legends, it is evident that a significant overhaul or refinement of the system is needed to restore balance and fairness to competitive play.