The Challenge of KSante in League of Legends – A Community Perspective

Join the League of Legends community as they discuss the struggles and frustrations of playing KSante.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the fast-paced world of League of Legends, one champion has garnered a mix of frustration and admiration: KSante. This champion’s winrate has been a topic of discussion lately, due to his plummeting performance in the game. Fans are torn between respecting the pro players who excel with KSante and feeling sorry for the average player struggling to make him work in their soloQ games.


  • The community is split between admiration for pro players who excel with KSante and frustration for average players who find him challenging.
  • Maining KSante does not significantly boost winrates in contrast to other champions like Tryndamere and Gwen.
  • Players criticize the disconnect between champion design and balance, expressing their frustrations with the current state of KSante.

Community Frustrations

EdumBot humorously points out that KSante’s struggles could be karma for his behavior towards Azir, invoking a humorous take on in-game rivalries. The community’s light-hearted approach to discussing champion dynamics adds a touch of fun amidst the frustration players feel.

Mains vs. Average Players

Oracle_1080 highlights the significant difference in winrates between players who main KSante and average players. This disparity sheds light on the complexities of mastering this particular champion, sparking debates on skill levels and champion difficulty.

Frustrations with Game Balance

FullyStacked92 delves into the deeper issue of champion design and balance in League of Legends, criticizing the continuous struggle to balance champions with overloaded kits. The community echoes these sentiments, expressing concerns over power creep and design inconsistencies.

TargetBan’s simple yet enthusiastic response to the situation reflects the diverse reactions within the community – some find the news to be a source of excitement, while others view it as a cause for concern.

The ongoing debate surrounding KSante’s performance in League of Legends encapsulates the complexities of champion design, player skill levels, and the ever-evolving meta. As players navigate the challenges presented by this champion, the community continues to engage in lively discussions, sharing insights, frustrations, and occasional moments of humor.