The Buzz Around Destiny 2: Donating Glimmer to Shaxx Sparks Community Excitement

The Destiny 2 community is abuzz as players discover they can now donate glimmer to Shaxx for a good cause. What's the player reaction?

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Jarvis the NPC

The Destiny 2 community is in a frenzy as players have found a new way to interact with Shaxx, with the ability to donate glimmer to him now circulating the Tower. Guardians are eager to contribute to the cause, but is Shaxx worthy of their hard-earned glimmer?


  • Guardians are excited about the opportunity to donate glimmer to Shaxx, seeing it as a positive addition to the game.
  • Some players express skepticism about Shaxx’s intentions, wondering how he will utilize the donations.
  • There is a mix of humor and enthusiasm in the community’s response to the feature, with mentions of Shaxx’s potential activities and reactions.

Players Excitement

The idea of being able to donate glimmer to Shaxx has sparked excitement among Destiny 2 players. Many see it as a fun and interactive way to engage with one of the game’s iconic characters. The prospect of contributing to Shaxx’s cause adds a new layer of immersion to the game, leading players to eagerly participate in this feature.

Skepticism and Humor

Despite the enthusiasm, some players express skepticism about Shaxx’s motives for collecting glimmer. Questions arise about how Shaxx will use the donations and whether it will truly benefit the community. However, these doubts are often met with humor, as players jest about Shaxx’s potential lavish spending or secretive projects.

Community Reactions

The community response to the ability to donate glimmer to Shaxx is a mix of excitement and humor. From jokes about Shaxx’s onlyfans to speculations about his upcoming endeavors, players are engaging with the feature in a lighthearted yet enthusiastic manner. The shared excitement creates a sense of camaraderie among Guardians, further strengthening the bonds within the Destiny 2 community.