The Big Chaos in Apex Legends Season 21 Update – Reddit Users Sound Off

Apex Legends subreddit erupts with feedback on the 'Upheaval' Season 21 update. Find out why players are buzzing!

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are buzzing with excitement as the ‘Upheaval’ Season 21 update has hit the servers. It’s time to check out how the community is reacting to the latest changes.


  • Ranked season not resetting causing frustration among players.
  • Players facing massive discrepancies in update sizes across different platforms.
  • Technical tips and tricks shared for smoother gameplay experience.
  • Eager anticipation for new content and challenges in the updated season.

Ranked Season Woes

Skeletor- expressed disappointment over the lack of a ranked season reset, echoing the sentiment of many players who eagerly wait for fresh starts in competitive gameplay.

Platform Disparities

injured-ninja highlighted the massive 58.9 GB update size on PS5, questioning the significant difference compared to other platforms like Steam and Xbox, sparking discussions on optimization and storage management.

Technical Tips and Tricks

rolfdins shared a valuable tip for DX12 users, suggesting a Steam launch parameter change to enhance performance, showcasing the community’s collaborative nature in tackling technical issues.

Eager Anticipation

westfall987’s mention of a player achieving a 20-bomb in Alter in just 40 minutes after the update release sparked excitement and anticipation for new challenges and achievements in the updated season.