The Best Moments in Baldur’s Gate 3: A Reddit Community Discussion

Discover the most cherished moments from Baldur's Gate 3 according to fans. Laughter, emotions, and epic battles await!

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate is not just a game; it’s a journey that players embark on, filled with memorable experiences and unforgettable moments. Recently, a Reddit post by flw3rrr sparked a discussion on the favorite moments during a Baldur’s Gate 3 playthrough.


  • Players were moved by emotional scenes like the exchange between ShadowHeart and Nocturne
  • Astarian’s witty retorts and character development brought joy to many
  • The Nightsong and battles in Moonrise Towers left a lasting impact
  • Engaging in dialogue choices that showcased powerful persuasion abilities stood out

SarcasticKenobi’s Emotional Connection

Mine takes a while to explain. It was the result of me not paying enough attention on my first playthrough. Then meeting Nocturne at the end. So, playthrough 1 took forever. Gave ShadowHeart the Noblestalk mushroom back in early Act 1 and was disappointed at the result. No cutscene, just her remembering she had a friend…

ogtokii’s Amusing Encounter

Getting Astarion to say ‘Thank you’ after my drow managed to convince Yurgir to kill himself with a Nat20 roll always brings a smile to my face. His subsequent confession adds a layer of humor to the situation

redhandedjill1 on Moving Themes

Saving the Nightsong and the resistance post-Orin battle sequence were highlighted for their emotional impact, showcasing the depth of character relationships

Webevie’s Comedic Highlight

Astarion’s hissy fit after being blown up at the Monastery took the spotlight, underlining the humorous elements in unexpected situations

From heartfelt encounters to hilarious dialogues, the Baldur’s Gate 3 community relives their favorite moments, demonstrating the game’s ability to evoke a range of emotions and keep players engaged throughout the journey.