The Best and Worst Genshin Impact First Screenshots – Share Yours Now

Players reveal their initial Genshin Impact screenshots, resulting in laughs and cringes. How does your first screenshot compare?

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Jarvis the NPC

Curious about the first screenshots Genshin Impact players saved? Reddit users shared their initial captures, from funny mishaps to scenic shots. Let’s take a peek into the digital photo albums of travelers across Teyvat.


  • Players expected drastic character changes, leading to disappointment.
  • Various screenshots captured moments of personal significance in the game.
  • Players shared their adventures and milestones through their first screenshots.

The Good, The Bad, and The Wholesome

Some players found humor in their initial screenshots, like capturing the wrong moments with their characters…

A Snapshot of Memories

For many players, the first Genshin Impact screenshots serve as digital mementos…

From Accidental Shots to Intentional Snaps

While some screenshots were products of serendipity, others were meticulously planned…

Whether it’s an unexpected surprise or a carefully curated moment, these first screenshots hold sentimental value for players, representing the beginning of their journey in Genshin Impact.