The Battle of Recognition in Tekken: Deserved or Undeserved Win?

Can Jack's dumbest moves lead to an unexpected win in Tekken? The Reddit community debates the deservingness of a round win.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a hilarious turn of events, a Tekken player shares their experience of winning a round with what they consider the most undeserving move.


  • Players debate whether using unconventional moves warrants a win in Tekken.
  • The thread showcases diverse opinions on what constitutes a deserved victory in the game.
  • Some users believe that certain moves, while risky, can lead to unexpected victories.

Reactions to the Win

The community is split between those who think the win was well-earned and others who believe it was purely luck.

Player Perspectives

Players like FireGoldRose commend the clever use of moves, highlighting the element of surprise. Meanwhile, mraz_1 believes that the win was indeed well-deserved, contrary to the initial post.

Strategic Discussions

Some users delve into the technical aspects of the game, discussing timing and character matchups that influenced the outcome of the round. Others emphasize the importance of strategic gameplay over flashy moves.

Despite the mixed reactions, one thing is clear: in Tekken, every move counts, whether it’s dumb luck or calculated skill.