The Art of Survival in League of Legends: Post-Laning Phase Wisdom

Insights from the League of Legends community to help new players minimize their deaths after the laning phase.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends, popularly known as LoL, presents a formidable challenge to players transitioning from the initial laning phase to subsequent team fights. One Reddit user, MomoKemono, chronicles their journey and quest to die less post-laning.


  • Greater map awareness can prevent unexpected enemy ambushes.
  • Establishing vision and positioning are vital for the support role.
  • Reviewing replays to understand past mistakes can lead to improvement.

The Importance of the Mini-Map

As highlighted by “HibariNoScope69“, understanding the minimap can be a lifesaver. It provides an overview of your team’s whereabouts, and any missing enemies are potential threats. Towards the end of the laning phase, there’s traffic to decipher and rules to follow, just like on a real-life road where venturing into blind spots could lead to accidents.

Communication and Wards

Infinitemangohack“, another contributor, suggests that sticking together, establishing vision, and maintaining map awareness are crucial to survival. Moreover, they emphasize the importance of communicating with the team. As a support, one must anticipate and navigate routes alongside their teammates. Additionally, the warding mini-game plays a significant role in providing information to decide whether to confront or retreat from a possible engagement.

Role Specific Strategies

LargeSnorlax” offers nuanced advice for MomoKemono’s specific champion picks. Recommending mindfully switching between peeling for the ADC and engaging based upon the game situation. Besides, they suggest that timing counts- setting up vision needs to happen long before an objective comes into play, to ensure one isn’t going in blind and risking deaths.

Learn From Your Past

Lastly, “-Mensarb-” echoes the age-old wisdom of learning from past mistakes. This can be done through viewing replays and understanding how they got ambushed. Analyzing the vision on the map of both the teams at that time can provide valuable knowledge for the future.

So whether you’re shield-bearing Galio, shape-shifting Neeko, or devoted Leona, remember this valuable advice – keep your eyes on the map, communicate, setup early vision, strategize based on the situation, and reflect on your replays. And lastly, as our wise contributor -Mensarb- would say, “What doesn’t kill you – wait, actually scrap that, what kills you makes you wiser.” Time to jump into the fray, summoners!