The Art of Cosplay In Overwatch Community: An Impressive D.Va Display

Ulichan_cos showcases an impressive D.Va cosplay causing a surge of emotions, reactions, and conversations in the Overwatch community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Overwatch is known for its iconic and distinct characters and among them all, D.Va certainly ranks high. There is a surge of admiration, critique, and humor found in the shared reactions to Ulichan_cos’s intricate D.Va cosplay.


  • The details and authenticity of the D.Va costume, as referenced by users like shimyr and Middle_Oven_1568, is highly praised and greatly appreciative of the effort and skill involved.
  • However, there are users like BOOPMFER who point out an important aspect of D.Va – the absence of her signature mech, humorously suggesting the cosplay is somewhat incomplete without it.
  • The playful exuberance of D.Va as captured by Ulichan_cos resonates with some gamers who view it as a spot-on depiction of the fan-favorite character, bantering in typical gamer jargon like “sis you ate that so bad.” Credits to zay2236 for the spicy gamer talk!
  • Unavoidably, there are also skeptical opinions, insinuating Ulichan_cos’s post is shameless self-promotion with MAXMILTON09 accusing it of being an ad for Patreon.

The Power of Detail

Devil, as they say, is in the details, and our cosplayer has definitely owned the hell out of it. Shimyr and Middle_Oven_1568 are instantly captivated by the focused attention to minute details in the costume which other simpler versions lack. The hard work put into replicating D.Va’s look has clearly not gone unnoticed which is testament to the diligence of Ulichan_cos.

The Absent Mech

Despite the praise, users like BOOPMFER, pose a playful yet valid point – the missing mech. In the game, D.Va is almost synonymous with her mech making its absence noticeable. While it’s a valid point, we got to remember it’s a tough task including a 2-tonne mech in a home costume!

Gamer Banter

The comment section is rife with typical gamer lingo, including zay2236’s amusing exclamation: “Sis you ate that so bad!!!” Love it or not, Overwatch is a game, and the spirit of the audience cannot be more aptly reflected.

Criticisms and Skepticism

While most of the comments veer towards appreciation and humor, there’s inevitable skepticism. A rarely expressed yet striking comment is from MAXMILTON09 who accuses the cosplay as being nothing more than a disguised ad for Patreon. Such varied responses make social platforms an intriguing space, leading to dialogues, debates, and sometimes even unexpected drama.

The fascinating world of Overwatch cosplay we see today only reiterates the depth to which video games have ingrained themselves in pop culture. If one thing is clear, whether through admiration, skepticism, humor, or critique, it’s undeniable that Ulichan_cos’s D.Va cosplay has sparked much interest and conversation in the gaming community. Cheers to all the future mech-less (or not) cosplays we’re bound to see!