The Ara Ara World of Genshin Impact: Who Fits the Bill?

Delve into the humorous debate on the Ara Ara archetype in Genshin Impact regarding its characters.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact fans on Reddit are hilariously debating which characters fit the Ara Ara archetype. Let’s dive into the chaos!


  • Community humorously debates Ara Ara archetype in Genshin
  • Characters like Ningguang and Yelan suggested as fitting the bill
  • Fans discuss Beidou’s unexpected candidacy for the Ara Ara energy

Beidou: Unexpected Ara Ara?

Users are split on Beidou embodying the Ara Ara vibe, with comparisons to Demoman from TF2 flying around.

Sumeru and Fontaine Vibes

Some suggest characters from Sumeru and Fontaine as potential Ara Ara figures, sparking humorous roleplay scenarios.

The Zhongli Twist

Surprisingly, Zhongli is thrown into the mix as an unexpected candidate for the Ara Ara energy, leaving fans amused and intrigued.

Genshin Impact’s community never fails to bring the chuckles, especially when debating character archetypes. Whether Beidou truly fits the Ara Ara bill or if Zhongli’s subdued demeanor holds hidden depths, the banter is always a delight to witness as fans bond over the game’s diverse cast.