TFT Tier List Best Comps Patch 13.12

Here is the TFT Tier list for patch 13.12. Additionally, we’ll be going over how to play the best comps. Check our advanced guides!

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Hamza Bakht

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Key Takeaways:

  • We have compiled a TFT tier list for set 9 patch 13.12 as we observe how the TFT meta has shifted. We’ll be keeping a close eye on all subsequent patches as well.
  • General Overview of the team compositions that can be made and their relative strength for TFT Set 9
  • Learn the best team compositions to play in the current meta
  • How to approach certain compositions and execute them perfectly

Set 9 has just been released, and with the release of a new set, it can get confusing trying to learn everything. This is especially true when there are so many new mechanics introduced to master, such as Hero legends and Portals. However, the core of the game remains the same, and the strength of the player ultimately revolves around playing the best team composition. 

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TFT Tier List for Set 9 patch 13.12

Here we introduce the best compositions that are currently being played in the meta. This TFT tier list is for set 9 patch 13.12 where marksmen and AD threats dominate the meta.

TFT tier list for patch 13.12
TierTeam Composition
S – TierYordle Reroll
S – TierGunner Zeri
S – TierDeadeye Aphelios
S – TierIonia Yasuo
A – TierGaren Reroll
A – TierVoid Kaisa
A – TierEkko Reroll
A – TierNoxus Reroll
A – TierShurima Azir
B – TierKallista Reroll
B – TierKarma Reroll 
B – TierDemacia Lux
C – TierTeemo Reroll

Below we’ll be going over the basics of how to play some of the popular S-tier comps.


TFT gunners comp

How To Play

This is a flexible AD comp which typically results from an early Gunner start. In this combo, Zeke’s Herald is useful because it stacks AD more quickly, but you should also have a strong frontline to buy your Gunners some time to scale. In terms of 1 and 2-cost troops, Jhin, Tristana, and Ashe are early-game item keepers and carries. Until you reach Sejuani/Shen, make sure to play around with any improved frontline you can obtain.

The core of this comp revolves around 4 Gunners and any good frontline units you can get. Gunners are strong at all points of the game which is why it tops our TFT Tier list for set 9 patch 13.12.

Best Emblem Holder: Urgot, Ekko, Legendaries 

Best Legends: Twisted Fate, Bard


Dueling Gunners, Teaming up, Cybernetic Leech, You have my Sword, Harmacist, Pandora’s Items, Red Buff


TFT set 9 deadeye comp

How To Play

The most dependable AD flex comp at the moment appears to be Aphelios. Consider playing flexibly around the frontline upgrades you have, like Bruiser, Bastion, Demacia, etc., and keeping an eye out for strong early-game AD item holders like Jhin, Tristana, and Ashe.

The typical board depicted above can be used in the late game, but occasionally you’ll uncover upgrades that are more advantageous than 4 Deadeye or crucial 5-cost troops. However, the core of this comp consists of Aphelios, Sejuani, Shen, and Urgot.

Best Emblem Holder: Anyone

Best Legends: Twisted Fate, Poro


Teaming up, You have my Sword, You have my bow, Harmacist, Level up, Red Buff, Healing Orbs, Pandora’s Items.

Ionia Yasuo

TFT tier list set 9 ionia yasuo comp

How To Play

You often go from a partial Ionia start into a full Ionia board or from Challengers to play this composition. It’s critical to play a solid early game, create an economy, and then bring your endgame board online either at level 7 or 8. This is because your carry and most crucial units are 4 costs. Yasuo frequently dies; therefore, you typically require Bloodthirster + Titan’s Resolve and/or Edge of Night. He needs a lot of Bruiser items.

Aphelios should be your secondary carry if you still have any extra Attack Speed AD items. Kai’Sa or Lux should be your secondary carry. If you have more AP-focused items, it typically depends on what you 2 star first, but Kai’sa is more preferred as she pairs with the challenger synergy.


Ionia Crown, Level Up, Jeweled Lotus, Sentinel Spirit, Gifts from the Fallen, Long Distance Pals, Unified Resistance, Battle Ready, Cybernetic Leech

Early Game Item Holder: Warwick, Zed

Best Emblem Holder: Aphelios, Kaisa

Best Legends: Vladimir 

Yordle Reroll

TFT tier list set 9 yordle reroll

How To Play

Yordles is a 1/ 2 tier unit reroll comp, therefore, slow rolling at level 5 above 50 gold for your 3* units is almost always advised. However, it is to be noted that this is a very popular composition as it is very strong. This causes other players to be looking for the same units, which will make it very difficult to 3-star your own, so it is recommended to scout the opposing players’ boards to see if the majority of the lobby is not playing Yordle Reroll.

Maokai, Tristana, and Poppy are the highest priority 3* troops. Therefore, if you star those early without getting close to starting your other units at 3*, it’s advisable to push levels to find Heimerdinger.


Golden Ticket, Radiant Relics, Think Fast, Social Distancing, Long Distance Partners, Morning Light, Healing Orbs, On a Roll, Harmacist

Early Game Item Holder: Tristana

Best Emblem Holder: Anyone

Best Legends: Lee sin

That concludes our guide for the best TFT comps in Set 9 and how to play the best ones. Be sure to check out the rest of our guides for more advanced tips to master the game and climb up the ranks. Learn why silver lobbies are struggling and what your TFT stats say about you.