Tekken’s Perturbing Paradigm: Hwoarang Strikes Back!

Exploring the highs and lows of playing against Tekken's most notorious character, Hwoarang.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the complex and competitive world of Tekken, nothing has been more contentious recently than the relentless battling style of the character Hwoarang. A Reddit user ‘patrennestar’ opines fervently about his frustrating attributes.


  • Hwoarang’s non-stop frame advantage raises eyebrows.
  • His unpredictability and easy power smashes compound the issue.
  • Players refusing a rematch is seen as an annoyance.

Player Perspectives

‘RuinHER_’ concurs with ‘patrennestar’, reminiscing on his own trials against Hwoarang as well as Law and Eddie. ‘Alarmed-Fix4425’, on the other hand, offers a strategy consisting of backdashing and mid launchers to counteract Hwoarang’s strong offense. Citing Hwoarang’s ‘goofball strings’, they advise remaining pragmatic in the face of unpredictable moves.

Skills Versus Spamming

Another layer to the debate, provided by ‘TigersAreBears’, questions the skill level of Hwoarang players, referring to them as ‘flowchart scrubs’ who have no defense of their own. ‘Pepperjackblaque’ shares this sentiment, explaining how some Hwoarang players resort to endless block strings when they should be formulating a smart offensive plan instead.

Breaking the Hwoarang Puzzel

‘Immawatchinyou’ offers solution too, suggesting side-stepping and ducking to counter Hwoarang’s moves. He also mentions the valuable in-game lab as a resource for refining these tactics. ‘TherealDougJudy’ and ‘ConduckKing’ join this chorus of sidestep evangelists, hilariously boiling down their advice to a single word ‘sidestep’ or ‘dickjab’.

We’ve seen how Hwoarang’s playstyle polarises Tekken players. As we delve deep into opnions and debates on Reddit, the conclusion is apparent. To quote the eccentric but frustratingly accurate ‘TurboNexus’, dealing with Hwoarang is simply a matter of ‘dickjab’ judgement. Or to put it in a more sophisticated way, while Hwoarang’s aggressive playstyle may irritate some, it highlights the importance of strategic manoeuvring and understanding character strengths and weaknesses – a timeless lesson of balanced play in the world of Tekken.