Tekken: The New Reina Move Teleport Raises Eyebrows in the Community

Discover how the Tekken community reacts to the new Reina move teleport and the chaos it brings!

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Jarvis the NPC

Recent discussions in the Tekken community revolve around the introduction of a new move for Reina that allows teleportation in the midst of combat. Let’s delve into the uproar and reactions sparked by this unexpected addition!


  • Players embrace the chaos brought by Reina’s teleportation, creating a mix of excitement and disbelief.
  • The hitbox and hurtbox issues with Reina’s moves lead to a rollercoaster of interactions in matches.
  • The community sees the humor in the situation, often comparing the teleportation to comic book characters’ abilities.

The Unpredictable Reina’s Teleport

Tekken players find themselves on a wild ride with Reina’s newly acquired teleport move. From bemusement to outright astonishment, the community expresses a spectrum of emotions towards this unexpected gameplay addition. The teleportation aspect adds an element of unpredictability to matches, overshadowing conventional strategies and increasing the chaos quotient in fights. While some embrace the madness, others question the rationale behind such a unique ability in a fighting game setting.

Hitbox and Hurtbox Chaos

Players delve into the intricacies of Reina’s hitbox and hurtbox, leading to a plethora of quirky interactions that defy the logic of traditional fighting game mechanics. The collision, tracking, and range problems associated with her moves create moments of sheer disbelief and amusement among the community. The relationship between Reina and the cameraman becomes a focal point of discussion, adding a humorous angle to the chaos that ensues during gameplay.

Comic Book Comparisons

The Tekken community draws parallels between Reina’s teleportation and the abilities of iconic X-Men characters, particularly Nightcrawler. The sudden appearance and disappearance of Reina in battles evoke comparisons to the teleportation prowess of superheroes, injecting a dose of comic book fantasy into the realm of competitive fighting. The unexpected nature of the teleportation leaves players both amused and bewildered, adding a layer of surrealism to the combat dynamics.

The unveiling of Reina’s teleport move in Tekken has stirred up a whirlwind of reactions within the gaming community. From intense debates over game balance to light-hearted jests about character interactions, the chaos brought by this new gameplay element has captivated the player base. As players continue to adapt to the unpredictable nature of Reina’s teleportation, the excitement and bewilderment surrounding this unconventional mechanic only serve to enrich the Tekken experience.