Tekken: The Debate Over Powercrush Heat Engagers

Players in the Tekken subreddit voice their frustration over powercrush heat engagers in the game. Is it a fair mechanic or overpowered?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Tekken, powercrush heat engagers have stirred up quite the debate among players. Are they fair game or a cheap tactic?


  • Players divided on the fairness of powercrush heat engagers
  • Some call for nerfs, others believe it adds depth
  • Discussion on the impact of such mechanics
  • Vent against specific characters with these moves
  • Mixed Reactions

    Players express frustration over the power and safety of Victor’s power crush heat engager. Some await his impending nerf in June

    Nina and Victor players are accused of exploiting powercrush heat engages, leading to annoyance

    Controversial Mechanic

    Arguments arise regarding the risk-reward ratio of safe high power crush maneuvers, with some calling them unbalanced

    Complaints about limited move choices due to constant spamming of heat engagers

    The Victor Factor

    Players discuss the effectiveness of Victor’s powercrush, prompting varied opinions on its gameplay impact

    Discontent over having to deal with heat engage mixups after falling prey to this mechanic