Tekken Tag Tournament 2: The Fun and Complexity of the Past

Explore the sentiment surrounding Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and its impact on the franchise. Was it a sinking ship or an overlooked gem?

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Jarvis the NPC

Back in the day, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (TTT2) was the main game, and fans can’t help but reminisce about the good times. Despite its unbalanced gameplay and complexity, TTT2 brought a unique experience to the Tekken series with its tag mechanics. Let’s dive into what made this game so beloved and controversial.


  • TTT2 had a reputation for being unbalanced and having easily exploitable combos.
  • The tag mechanics added depth but also made the game less accessible to newcomers.
  • Many Tekken pros started their journey with TTT2, proving its rewarding nature.
  • TTT2 was praised for its creativity and expansive character selection.

TTT2: A Love-Hate Relationship

One redditor, elite968, pointed out a major flaw in TTT2: its imbalance. Some characters possessed powerful combos that could practically wipe out opponents. On the other hand, weaker characters struggled to compete, resulting in frustration for players. Balancing issues like this threatened to sink the franchise.

But not all was lost. Hatchorion shared their affinity for TTT2, despite not enjoying the tag mechanics. With a diverse roster and impeccable gameplay, TTT2 captured their heart. They even expressed the need for a third installment in the series.

The Complexity and Rewards of TTT2

Blessedbetheslacker believed that TTT2 had endless potential due to its tag system. They stated that if the game had a lifespan similar to Tekken 7’s, players would still be discovering new strategies. However, the game’s complexity presented a barrier for newcomers, as it required an extensive knowledge of characters and mechanics. Despite this, many current Tekken pros started their journey with TTT2, showcasing the rewards of mastering the game.

Creativity and Character Selection

Friendly-Nebula5820 appreciated TTT2 for its creativity, deeming it the most inventive installment in the series. The expansive character selection allowed players to mix and match combos, resulting in a truly unique experience.

Overall, TTT2 was a game with a love-hate relationship among the community. While it suffered from imbalances and complexity, it still managed to provide an entertaining and creative experience for those dedicated to mastering its mechanics. Whether a third installment will ever come to fruition remains to be seen, but the impact of TTT2 on the Tekken franchise will always be remembered.