Tekken: Surviving Reckoning from the Infamous Garyu

When you find yourself up against a Garyu in Tekken, be prepared for a wild ride. The community has strong feelings about this matchup.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever found yourself in Tekken facing off against a Garyu that seems like a force of nature? Tpenny68 did. How did this battle unfold?


  • Is this really a Garyu? Some players think otherwise.
  • Electrics on point: A clue to the player’s true identity.
  • Matchmaking woes: The struggle of facing unexpected opponents.
  • Community confusion: Mixed reactions lead to speculation.

Facing a Mystery

According to the Tekken community, facing a Garyu is no ordinary match. Tpenny68’s encounter with an 8th dan that seemed beyond the norm sparked a debate among players.

The Debate Unfolds

Bastinelli advised Tpenny68 to reconsider their button mashing approach, hinting that blocking might be a more viable strategy. ComfortReturn suggested adjusting matchmaking settings to avoid such challenging opponents.

Different Perspectives

Oshavla’s belief that the player was a smurf account caused a stir, questioning the legitimacy of the Garyu title. Meanwhile, altostocks pointed out the player’s exceptional execution, raising doubts about their rank.