Tekken Ranked System Frustration: What’s the Deal?

Tekken fans are torn about the ranked system changes - some love it, some hate it - but why the drama?

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken fans have been buzzing lately about the ranked system changes, with mixed reactions all around.


  • Players split on revamped ranked system
  • Challenges for diverse character players
  • Mismatched matchups causing frustration
  • Varied opinions on the new system

Ranking Rants

Some players complain about the inflated prowess and struggles with diverse character selections, making it hard to compete at their true skill level. One player lamented, “Not to mention my prowess is inflated due to playing so many characters. I end up playing against people way above my rank.”

Confusion in Combat

Confusion reigns as players grapple with the changes, with mismatches like a Vanquisher facing a Fujin raising eyebrows. The disparity in prowess causing unexpected losses where one player shared, “I got 6:0’d so fast. It was pretty brutal.”

Community Concerns

While some express satisfaction with the adjustments, others voice frustration over prolonged matchmaking times and facing opponents far above their rank. One player opined, “Im a mighty ruler lee and yesterday i versed like 3 tekken gods in ranked.”

The Tekken community is a battleground of opinions, with players grappling with the consequences of the ranked system changes.