Tekken: Playing Main vs. Trying New Characters – What the Community Thinks

Ever wondered if sticking to your main in Tekken is the best strategy? Let's dive into the community opinions about this dilemma!

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken is a game known for its diverse roster of characters, each with unique moves and playstyles. On a recent Reddit post, users discussed the dilemma of sticking to their main character versus exploring new ones.


  • Players debate between mastering one character and experimenting with others for overall skill development.
  • Fear of losing muscle memory keeps many players loyal to their main character.
  • Exploring new characters can offer fresh perspectives and improve general gameplay.
  • Players value strong muscle memory and expertise with their chosen character.

Tq_Hype: The Main Character Dilemma

One user, Tq_Hype, shared their experience of only playing their main character, leading to a stagnant skill level. They highlighted the struggle of facing diverse opponents but acknowledged the importance of adaptation.

Community Insights on Character Variety

Several users expressed their love for exploring new characters, despite the challenges it presents. Bobbie_Lee mentioned the fear of losing muscle memory as a barrier to trying new characters, while NichoMel highlighted the joy of experiencing different movesets.

Exclusive Main Players

Goricatto and IbraKadabrah confessed to exclusively sticking to their main characters, showcasing the value they place on strong muscle memory and familiarity with their chosen fighter.

The community is divided between those who prefer mastering one character for consistency and those who believe in the benefits of character variety for overall skill development. Whether you stick to your main or venture into uncharted territory, the diverse opinions within the Tekken community reflect the game’s depth and complexity.