Tekken Players Debate: Are Scripters and Cheaters on the Rise?

Join the Tekken community as they discuss the rise of scripters and cheaters in the game. Are your opponents really that good or is something fishy going on?

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in the Tekken community are raising concerns about the prevalence of scripters and cheaters in the game.


  • Players are encountering opponents who consistently block lows and duck electrics
  • Some players suspect cheating due to unusually high success rates in specific scenarios
  • Community advice suggests reviewing replays to determine if suspicious activity is present
  • Debates continue on whether skilled play or foul play is at the root of these encounters
  • GraverageGaming

    GraverageGaming suggested looking at replays to assess whether the opponent’s skills are legitimate or potentially aided by macros or scripts. They shared their experience of facing a suspicious player performing Korean backdash movement


    DRCsyntax speculated that predictable play patterns or failure to adapt could lead to appearances of cheating. They highlighted the effectiveness of fuzzy ducking, especially against Mishimas


    just_a_random_dude76 recounted a recent encounter against a suspicious Kazuya player, hinting at potential cheating behavior


    Frequent_Butterfly26 shared their own experience of making opponents question their legitimacy with expertly-timed movement and defensive options


    Moofyx linked a clip of streamer shiphtur facing a cheater, showcasing the community’s awareness of such occurrences


    ArkkOnCrank humorously narrated their encounter with a cheater named DOFY, highlighting the abrupt change in skill level


    IIZANAGII expressed suspicion over opponents consistently ducking lows but failing to capitalize on punishes, raising concerns of potential cheating


    VenserMTG playfully questioned the presence of scripters in the room, adding a touch of humor to the discussion