Tekken: Playerbase Behavior and Sentiments Revealed

Tekken players are split on whether the player base truly enjoys the game. Dive into the sentiments expressed within the community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken players are split when it comes to the enjoyment of the game. A recent Reddit post by SoHigh0 sparked a discussion about the player base and their approach to matches in Tekken. SoHigh0 expressed surprise at the lack of rematches in Tekken compared to Street Fighter 6, highlighting the importance of multiple matches for a deeper, strategic gameplay experience.


  • Players have differing opinions on whether the Tekken community truly enjoys playing the game or is more focused on ranking up.
  • Some players appreciate the depth and strategy that come from multiple matches, allowing for adaptation and outsmarting opponents.
  • Others feel that a significant portion of the player base resorts to repetitive strategies and fail to engage in the deeper aspects of the game.

Nightcat6’s Insight

Referencing Max, Nightcat6 emphasizes that some players are more invested in their character than in truly enjoying Tekken. This speaks to a potential disconnect between personal attachment to characters and the overall game experience.

Brokenlynx7’s Analysis

Brokenlynx7 delves into the psychology of the Tekken player base, suggesting that many players exhibit a ‘RPG mentality’ focusing solely on rank progression. The risk aversion leads to missed opportunities for deeper gameplay interactions.

Superdante12’s Observation

Superdante12 highlights a perceived lack of major updates in Tekken, likening the game to being stagnant. This viewpoint suggests that the community may be craving fresh content and experiences to stay engaged.

Scyle_’s Perspective

Contrary to the negative sentiments, Scyle_ finds joy in Tekken and encourages players to focus on the positive aspects of the game rather than dwelling on perceived flaws. This attitude offers a different outlook within the community.