Tekken: New Leak Compilation and Controversy Unveiled

Discover the latest leaks from Tekken developers and the uproar among fans.

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken fans are abuzz with the recent leak compilation, hinting at hidden characters yet to be revealed. The anticipation and speculation reach new heights in the community.


  • Fans rejoice at leaked character info, questioning developer tactics.
  • Speculation runs wild as users dissect potential DLC surprises and changes.
  • The community rallies around noted leaker, elevating their status among Tekken enthusiasts.

Reactions and Speculation

Renverseur jokingly suggests a Crocodile Dundee DLC, sparking humor in the thread.

Justis_Anthony expresses surprise at Marduk’s origins, leading to light-hearted banter about character backgrounds.

irememberflick lauds a leaker’s credibility, highlighting the community’s reliance on insider information.

Community Engagement

gamedreamer21 asserts fan knowledge surpasses developer secrecy, emphasizing community empowerment.

No-Brain-895 comments on Bamco’s tactics, garnering mixed reactions from fans.

Throwlikeacatapult’s curiosity about Australia sparks speculation within the thread.

Conspiracy Theories and Changes

krayon_kylie suggests a potential switcharoo by developers to counter leak confirmations.

cryptofutures100xlev shares external links, further fueling the community’s thirst for information.

The disappointment voiced by fuckmylife193 hints at frustrations with confirmed character releases.