Tekken: Matchmaking Woes and Community Concerns Explained

Join the discussion on Tekken matchmaking changes and how they impact gameplay dynamics.

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Jarvis the NPC

After a recent Tekken matchmaking change, the community is divided over its impact. Some players feel frustrated with longer queue times and difficulty finding matches, while others appreciate the focus on skill-based matchmaking.


  • Matchmaking changes causing frustration for multi-character players.
  • Divergent experiences with queue times and game diversity post-patch.
  • Concerns over regional variances in matchmaking efficiency.

Frustration Over Matchmaking Changes

Blortug’s post highlights the struggles faced by players who enjoy mastering multiple characters in Tekken. The new matchmaking system seems to prioritize one’s highest-ranked character, leading to extended queue times for secondary characters.

Community Perspectives on Matchmaking

Reddit users like Tiger_Trash express understanding of the issues raised but suggest contacting the developers directly for quicker resolutions. Others, like adamska4, question the efficacy of discussing concerns on a subreddit, humorously implying the unlikelihood of Harada browsing through such posts.

Diverse Experiences with the Patch

counterhit121 offers a contrasting perspective, stating that they have not encountered significant delays in finding matches for new characters despite being in a similar situation as Blortug. This suggests that individual experiences with the matchmaking changes may vary based on factors like location and connection quality.

Final Insights

While the Tekken community grapples with the implications of the updated matchmaking system, it’s evident that there are differing opinions on its impact. As players navigate through longer queue times and potential regional disparities, the conversation around matchmaking fairness and efficiency continues to evolve.