Tekken: Jin Controversy – Ethics of Fairness in Patch 1.05

Find out why Jin from Tekken is causing a stir among fans in patch 1.05! Is the character truly fair?

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Jarvis the NPC

Feeling the heat, Tekken fans? Well, Jin is stirring up quite the storm in patch 1.05. A controversial figure in the Tekken universe, some believe he’s in need of a buff. Let’s dive into the chaos!


  • Jin’s tracking capabilities have fans split between wanting a buff and finding him unbalanced.
  • Jin mains are under scrutiny, with accusations of defending their character’s fairness during heated debates.
  • Community feedback reflects frustration over Jin’s power level in comparison to other characters.

Jin’s Tracking Woes

Some players, like Chaolan_Enjoyer, feel Jin’s tracking abilities are lacking, calling for a buff: “I’m not gonna sugarcoat it.” On the other hand, DynamiteSuren, a Jin main, expresses discontent with Jin’s tracking despite being a loyal player, showcasing the divide among fans.

The Fairness Debate

SalemDono sheds light on Jin mains’ passionate defense of their character, pointing out their tendency to glorify Jin’s strengths while downplaying other characters’ abilities. This defensive stance has fueled a fiery debate within the community.

The Power Imbalance

ChocolateTopping highlights the perception of Tekken 8 Jin being newcomer-friendly, potentially impacting the character’s tier ranking. The sentiment suggests a disparity between fan expectations and the reality of Jin’s strength in the game.