Tekken: Finally Joined the Club – Choosing Between Kuma and Jack 8

New Tekken player seeking advice on maining Kuma or Jack 8 and navigating the community response.

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken has a newcomer seeking advice on maining Kuma or Jack 8 after playing Kuma and Lee in T7. Any guidance?


  • Community advises enjoying the game, avoiding negativity, and focusing on fundamentals.
  • Contrasting views on subreddit atmosphere – fun vs. negativity.
  • Mixed opinions on characters and game experience.

Advice on Enjoying Tekken

Many users suggest enjoying the game and focusing on customization and character guides for a positive experience.

Community Atmosphere

Some users warn against the negativity on the subreddit, advising new players to ignore it for a better experience.

Character Choices and Experience

Opinions vary on character choices like Lee and advice given to newcomers, reflecting diverse player perspectives.

Choosing between Kuma and Jack 8, the community provides both practical and humor-driven advice on embracing Tekken’s world.