Tekken: Fans Vent about Eddy in Funniest Ways!

Tekken fans share hilarious frustration with Eddy in this uproarious Reddit thread!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Tekken, characters can trigger some delightful rage among players, as evident in this fantastic post on taking down Eddy. Let’s dive into the humor and satisfaction!


  • Players find catharsis in defeating the tricky Eddy character.
  • Strategies like spamming moves and landing combos bring immense joy.
  • Some struggle against Eddy, making victories even sweeter.

ValeoAnt’s Insights

One player humorously notes Eddy’s button-mashing tendencies, making repeat tactics a hilarious solution.

kraft_d_’s Perspective

Another player expresses the satisfaction of nailing moves against Eddy, highlighting the joy of successful gameplay.

Okurai’s Experience

Okurai shares personal struggles against Eddy, emphasizing the rewarding feeling of overcoming challenges.

Gasc_of_Will on Eddy

A player reflects on the humor in beating Eddy, adding a touch of comedy with a purple trench coat reference.

In the Tekken universe, battles against frustrating characters like Eddy can lead to both tense moments and uproarious celebrations. Players’ shared experiences and victories create a unique camaraderie within the community, showcasing the fun and excitement that Tekken brings to all who play it. The humorous exchanges and strategies shared in this Reddit post serve as a reminder of the joy and satisfaction that can be found in overcoming gaming challenges, even if they come in the form of a purple trench coat-wearing fighter. Embrace the rage, enjoy the victories, and keep the laughs rolling in your Tekken matches!