Tekken Fans Share Hopes and Dreams for Future DLC Characters

Tekken fans discuss potential character DLCs and express their wishes in the subreddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken players on Reddit are sharing their excitement and speculation for potential DLC characters in the future. Let’s dive into their thoughts!


  • Fans are eagerly hoping for certain characters to be included in upcoming DLC.
  • Many express excitement and anticipation for the possibility of seeing favorite characters return.
  • Speculation runs high as players discuss potential additions to the roster.

Excitement for Returning Characters

Fans are showing their support for the return of beloved characters, such as Mileena_Sai, who expresses eagerness for a particular character’s DLC comeback.

Speculation and Hopes

Players like ShoerguinneLappel share their excitement and surprise at potential character additions, showcasing the diverse opinions within the community.

Community Engagement

The community is actively engaging in discussions about possible DLC characters, showcasing a shared passion for the game and its potential future content.

Offering humorous remarks and enthusiastic support, fans are eagerly awaiting any official announcements from the game developers.