Tekken Fans Not Impressed with Cafe Gaming Setup

Tekken fans discuss a noisy cafe gaming setup and debate on its appropriateness.

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Jarvis the NPC

Discussing the noise levels in cafes seems to be a hot topic among Tekken fans. Are noisy setups disrupting the peace or adding to the gaming vibe?


  • Players debate the appropriateness of bringing gaming setups to cafes.
  • Some find it disruptive and disrespectful to other customers.
  • Others see it as a cool hangout spot for gaming enthusiasts.

Players’ Perspective on Cafe Gaming Setup

Many users express their discomfort with noisy gaming setups in cafes, citing it as disruptive and disrespectful to others trying to enjoy a peaceful environment. One user jokes about the scenario of two players loudly clacking away while a student tries to study, highlighting the lack of consideration for fellow patrons.

Debate on Acceptability

While some users criticize the intrusion of gaming setups in cafes, others see it as a fun and engaging way to socialize with like-minded individuals. They argue that cafes could potentially become cool hangout spots for gamers to gather and enjoy their favorite pastime together.

Gaming Culture Clash

The clash of gaming culture with public spaces like cafes sparks debates among Tekken fans. The discussion delves into the balance between personal enjoyment and consideration for others in shared spaces, reflecting on the evolving dynamics of gaming and social norms.