Tekken Fans Discuss Early Patch Balance Complaints – What’s the Verdict?

Tekken fans react to early balance complaints with skepticism and humor. Is it too soon to pass judgment?

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Jarvis the NPC

Discussion in the Tekken community has sparked over early complaints about balance post-patch. Are players being too quick to judge?


  • Players express skepticism towards early complaints about balance.
  • Some find humor in the situation, dubbing it a whining competition.
  • Opinions are divided on the validity of early balance assessments.

Benki500 on Whiners

Benki500 humorously points out the prevalence of whiners in the Tekken community, where even silly complaints receive upvotes. The community’s tendency to complain is highlighted with a touch of sarcasm.

DRCsyntax on Whiners

DRCsyntax reacts to the notion of whiners in the subreddit, expressing disbelief at the idea. The comment adds a lighthearted tone to the discussion, showcasing the community’s self-awareness.

Ok_Veterinarian_9611 on PSA

Ok_Veterinarian_9611 questions the relevance of the PSA, noting its lack of actual public service despite the title. The comment adds a playful touch to the conversation, poking fun at the seriousness of the post.

Telecaster-993 on Leroy

Telecaster-993 adds humor by bluntly calling for a nerf on Leroy, a character known for causing balance issues. The comment injects a dose of levity into the discussion, offering a straightforward take on the topic.

VenserMTG on Community Perception

VenserMTG questions the significance of making PSA posts and reflects on how others perceive these actions. The comment invites reflection on the community’s response to posts deemed as unnecessary, sparking a meta-discussion within the thread.