Tekken Electricity Bills: Are We Paying with Ewgf Combo Skills?

Discover the electrifying discussions on Tekken moves in this Reddit thread!

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Jarvis the NPC

Revel in the electrifying world of Tekken moves with discussions on Reddit. Fans debate Kazuya’s unique ability to stack more ewgf compared to other Mishimas and Devil Jin’s electric setup. Let’s dive into the buzz!


  • Debate on Kazuya’s ewgf advantage over other Mishimas
  • Discussion on Devil Jin’s electric setup
  • Questions about the input for electric moves

Kazuya’s Ewgf Advantage

Users speculate on Kazuya’s ability to stack more ewgf compared to other Mishimas. Some suggest it could be due to the move floating opponents higher, allowing for more combos.

Devil Jin’s Electric Setup

Fans talk about Devil Jin’s electric setup, drawing comparisons to Kazuya’s CH df2 PEWGF. The community explores the nuances of this technique and its effectiveness in gameplay.

Input for Electric Moves

Players seek clarity on the input for electric moves beyond the first, with questions arising about the execution and mechanics involved in performing these powerful attacks in-game.