Tekken Community Debate: Giving Unsolicited Advice to Players

Should you be giving advice in a sea of negativity? The Tekken community debates the pros and cons.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Tekken subreddit is buzzing with a discussion around giving unsolicited advice to players, with some torn on its effectiveness and impact. Does it help or hinder the gaming experience?


  • Unsolicited advice can be seen as insulting rather than helpful.
  • Some players appreciate advice, especially when struggling against specific moves.
  • Sending advice post-game when there’s a positive interaction can be well-received.

Players’ Perspectives

One user believes unsolicited advice comes off as disrespectful rather than beneficial, creating a negative impact instead of a positive one.

Another player views giving advice as a form of assistance, particularly when facing challenging game mechanics and techniques.

Some players prefer sending advice after a match, especially if there was a positive connection during the game.

Community Response

Several users express discomfort with receiving unsolicited advice, considering it annoying and obnoxious.

Players highlight that unsolicited advice can sometimes be more disruptive and insulting than helpful tips, impacting the gaming experience negatively.

One user shares a positive experience of receiving advice during a tough match, showcasing the potential benefits of post-game guidance.